Much Love Preston

March 09, 2020

On the 9th of March, 2014 one of my best friends sadly passed away. He had a heart of gold and I can confidently say no one had a bad word to say about him. I know among my friends he will be remembered and treasured. Forever. Our everlasting friend. Yesterday, I managed to make it back to my hometown to do just that. I had such a lovely day and for some reason I woke up ridiculously early today, so I decided to put some words down to convey my feelings.

Here we all are, those of us who could make it. Mine was a bit of a last minute flying visit on my way home to Edinburgh. Definitely worth it. Always good to catch up with everyone when I can and the we were treated to a fine spring day, perfect for our walk on't moor.

My Pals

Funny, I was responsible for waking Amber, Ollie and Fabz yesterday and Amber, Fabz and me were supporting quite bad hangovers from a rather spontaneous night out the previous evening.

I impressed myself by making it down to plant one of the first 22 trees in the newly established community orchard next to the skate park by the river. This is a project out of Climate Action Ilkley that began as an aspiration sometime last year and is now complete. As part of the day, children were kept occupied by creating name tags for the trees on some old wood. I took the opportunity to create a tag for the Gangsta Pigeon and attach it to the tree I planted.

Check it out, and do drop by and visit if you walking by. It is going to be exciting to watch this orchard grow over the years.

That's all I have. Much love Preston, much love.

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Wise words from Snip, or something like that. He also has some old content on medium. Hopefully one day that will end up here too.